Beyond My Fears

2019-11-18     Alvina Joanna, 경영대학원

    Mark Twain once said that “the secret of getting ahead is getting started.” If you were looking for a sign to take on that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity or to get going on any project, this is your sign!

▲ Alvina Joanna, ’16, Graduate School of Business

    For the longest time in my life, I let opportunities pass by with little to no regret for doing so. A major reason for this was my fear of failure and in some cases; it was the fear of success. These fears lead to a lethargic attitude that was too hard to shake off and like many, I craved a new environment.
    Little did I know, that coming to Korea was just step one of a very interesting transformation and not the transformation itself. In the first two weeks of my life in Korea, I found myself being extremely shy and reserved, and realized that this behaviour was a reflection of the way I had been living in India and in time it took a toll on my joy and health. Lethargy was clearly not getting me anywhere and it was not wise to give up on my dreams and desires because I did not want to fail.
    This is when God provided me with friends who practically changed my life with their intentional and purposeful lives that moved me more effectively than any TED talk as I could see their efforts and it its fruits. They worked multiple part-time jobs and excelled at their academics while simultaneously juggling a vibrant social life. When asked why they gave themselves such a hard time, they would just say that it gave them a sense of satisfaction to know that they were one step closer to where they want to be.
    Slowly but surely, my mind let down its tight grip of my fears and my friends introduced me to my first part-time job opportunities like being a radio jockey, a magazine guest reporter, a cultural teacher and so on. I realized that each opportunity I took up, taught me something new! Every single job had a skill that needed to be learnt and that exhilaration of learning something new steadily overtook my embarrassment or disappointment from failure.
    Thanks to those varied experiences, my willingness to be flexible and my Korean language skills improved, which in turn helped me obtain an edge over my competitors while applying for a job and eventually landing the job! 
    In conclusion, I’d like to encourage all my dear friends and juniors to stop letting your fears or shortcomings hold you back from taking on opportunities that could change your life. University is the perfect place to experiment, don’t waste it!

By Alvina Joanna, ’16, Graduate School of Business