Indispensable Information on Diverse Programs

2019-05-20     Nargizakhon Iskandarova


▲ Nargizakhon Iskandarova, Junior, Dept. of English Language and Literature

   It is interesting to pinpoint that issue No.353 was written perfectly. There are numerous reasons to prove the fact in this article. Firstly, the Chonnam Tribune magazine included useful information about programs where every student can be involved. For instance, the article written by Lee So-hyun gave valuable information about opportunities for learning and working abroad, which can motivate students to study harder with the purpose of participating in those kinds of programs. Also, the article explained why knowing Korean language is important for international students who should have the capability of speaking the local language. It is clear encouragement for students to learn the language. Moreover, there are articles about students’ lives outside of Korea. I strongly believe that every reader can find interesting stories that can assist them during their academic life. The article titled “Being Good Buddy for You” was quite interesting to read because most freshmen usually have various problems with finding classes or choosing subjects so their buddies always offer a helping hand. By reading this article students can get tips on how to be a good buddy to promote mutual friendship between international and local students that can help them to be informed about diverse cultures and languages.