Taxis and Carpool Service

택시와 카풀 서비스

2019-04-01     백두진 기자

▲ Emily Claire Jemima Beier, Junior, Dept. of German Language and Literature

    Both taxis and carpool services have their pros and cons. Carpooling is an easy way for people to make money using their own car and a great way to travel when a driver and a rider have the same destination. However, for a customer it would be easier to grab a taxi passing by than finding the right person to carpool. I think taking a taxi is a better option to get to my destination over short distances. That is why I think taxi drivers would not be out of work due to the carpool service. There needs to be thorough planning for the coexistence of the taxis and carpool services.

By Baek Du-jin, Tribune Reporter