Suggestions to Make the Tribune Better

2014-03-27     윤예지 영어영문학과 3학년

    I think the Chonnam Tribune covers various topics from a big event held in school to a special happening around the campus. Among many articles of the 332nd issue, the most impressive one was ‘Special Report’ about second-hand culture on and off campus. Nowadays, most university students including me tend to focus only on their own life. Under stress and pressure, we rarely put our eyes on the community and society. Covering a flea market hosted by a marketing club and a charity shop, Beautiful Stores, the article widened the circle of my concern and made me rethink the relationship between my life and society.
    Reading through the newspaper, I realized that its articles have not proposed specific solutions for the suggested problems. For example, the article titled “You Are the One Who Resists Change” brought up the necessity of students to change their attitude. I do not mean this is not helpful for readers. However, a possible answer or solution should be added in the article. I suggest two methods. My first suggestion is a simple one: To write an article that includes a particular solution. It would help readers approach a problem and think of it in a more fundamental way. The second is to hold an English discussion related to the problem. It can not only enhance the participation of students to the Tribune but also increase the possibility to solve the problem.
    I am really honored to read this newspaper as a CNU student and appreciate the Tribune reporters and editors. With my suggestions, I hope for the Tribune to continue to develop for its readers.

By Yoon Ye-ji, Junior, Dept. of English Language and Literature