English Is Not a Barrier for Tribune!

2013-03-11     김해영 신소재공학부 4학년
<#325 Letter to Chonnam Tribune>
English Is Not a Barrier for Tribune!
By Kim Hae-young, Senior, School of New Materials Engineering
As I read the recent issues of the Chonnam Tribune, I was surprised to find that the newspaper has so much useful news that not only Korean students but also international students can benefit from by reading it. In fact, it provides news concerning global issues in the global campus section as well as recent news about CNU like the CNU GSC. For this reason I can easily widen my horizons as I read the Chonnam Tribune. One of the red-hot news stories in its December issue last year was the CNU GSC and in my point of view as a CNU student, it is really an important matter. Through the newspaper I had received information about topics such as the GSC from A to Z. What’s more is that I can understand the difficulties in the life of foreign students in adjusting to school life as I read articles about foreign student’s thoughts. The great thing about the Tribune, in my opinion, is that there are lots of areas where CNU students can express their opinions freely about campus news. Thanks to their opinions, I can have the chance to think about EMI over and over. While reading this newspaper I have learned lots of useful expressions and vocabulary rather than getting stressed on perplexing sentences. I can successfully put away my prejudice that something written in English is boring and stressful. However it is deplorable that most local students at CNU are not willing to read it. I hope that all local and international students at CNU can easily approach this newspaper and be familiar with the Tribune. To do so, I think it is good to invigorate the internet website of the Tribune. Cartoons about CNU will also arouse student’s interest.